‘Things That We Have Never Seen Before’: Pollsters Tell Hannity Black and Hispanic Voters Are Moving to GOP in Droves

Two pollsters told Fox News host Sean Hannity Friday night that black and Hispanic voters are moving to the GOP droves, particularly in Pennsylvania and Georgia.
“We consistently see where the African American vote, about 20 percent or more, are going for Republican candidates,” Matt Towery, chairman of InsiderAdvantage, told Hannity when asked about Georgia and Pennsylvania, two states which could decide control of the Senate.
“When it comes to either Hispanic, Latino or what we call other, sometimes it’s 60-something percent for the Republican,” Towery continued. “These are things that we’ve never seen before. I’ve never seen Republican candidates getting 20 percent of the African American vote this close to an election. I certainly have never seen Hispanic, Latinos or other races trending Republican like I’m seeing in this particular year.”…

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