Poll Finds 27-Point Swing in White Suburban Women to Republican Party Ahead of Midterms

A new poll revealed that white suburban women have significantly shifted their support from Democrats to Republicans in just the past few weeks.
The survey, conducted by the Wall Street Journal, found (pdf) that white suburban women are now favoring Republicans for Congress by 15 percentage points, moving 27 percentage points away from Democrats since the last WSJ poll in August.
“We’re talking about a collapse, if you will, in that group on the perceptions of the economy,” said GOP pollster Tony Fabrizio to the WSJ. Fabrizio carried out the paper’s poll along with Democratic pollster John Anzalone.
The survey found that 54 percent of white suburban women believe the United States is in a recession while 74 percent believe the economy is headed in the wrong direction. But in August, 43 percent of that demographic thought the economy entered a recession and 59 percent believed it was headed in the wrong direction, according to an earlier, similar WSJ poll….

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