9 out of 10 Albanians Allowed to Stay in UK While Their Modern Slavery Claims Are Checked

Ninety-one percent of Albanians who claimed to be the victims of modern slavery when they arrived in Britain after crossing the English Channel have been allowed to stay in the country pending a full investigation of their claims by the Home Office, according to the latest figures.
On Oct. 26, Dan O’Mahoney, the Home Office’s Clandestine Channel Threat Commander, told the Home Affairs Committee 12,000 Albanian migrants had crossed the Channel this year, up from 800 in 2021, and the Home Office figures show that 3,467 of them have claimed to be victims of trafficking or modern slavery.
Under the National Referral Mechanism (NRM), people who claim to have been the victims of trafficking or modern slavery cannot be deported until their claim has been investigated….

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