Best-Case 2022 Midterms Scenario Revealed for Democrats

A top election forecaster predicted Friday that the Democrats’ best chance of maintaining control of the Senate is a 50–50 tie, which is the current setup.
Currently, Democrats have a majority over Republicans in the 50–50 Senate. Vice President Kamala Harris serves as a tie-breaker for Democrats.
“Our final Senate outlook shows Republicans with late momentum. Our most probable range is now D+0 to R+3 pickups. Dems’ best shot to hold the majority is to stay 50-50. Republicans could get to 52 seats, or 53 in a huge wave,” Cook Political Report editor Jessica Taylor wrote.
But Taylor noted in a report that “a handful of races remain incredibly tight, and polls show they could go either way,” although the “far better national environment for Republicans has many Democratic strategists we have talked to staring down a gloomy prospect” for Tuesday’s election….

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