Cory Morgan: Pipeline Protesters’ Violent Attacks in BC a Ticking Time Bomb

While the world’s eyes were on Ottawa as the standoff between the Truckers Convoy protest and authorities hit its peak, one of the boldest acts of domestic eco-terrorism ever seen in Canada was committed against a construction camp in Northern BC. Just after midnight on Feb. 18, 20 masked attackers armed with axes attacked staff at a Coastal GasLink (CGL) site, terrorizing workers and causing millions of dollars in damage.
When RCMP officers tried to respond from Houston, B.C., they encountered a blockaded road and were attacked with smoke bombs and fire-lit pieces of wood. One officer was injured before the police were forced to retreat. The story quickly fell off the radar of Canadians as the invocation of the Emergencies Act by the federal government dominated the news for weeks….

By admin

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