Japan Hosts Multilateral Naval Parade Amid Rising Tensions With China, North Korea, Russia

Japan’s prime minister vowed on Sunday to bolster Japan’s defenses alongside the U.S. and its allies as the country hosted another international fleet review to mark the birth of its Naval forces.
The review was held in Sagami Bay near Tokyo with the participation of 18 vessels from 12 nations, including the United States, South Korea, Britain, Australia, Singapore, India, and Thailand, as the region faces increasing tensions from North Korea’s missile and nuclear threats, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and aggression by China’s ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP) toward Taiwan.
Speaking at the review, Japan’s centrist Prime Minister Fumio Kishida pledged to bolster the deterrence and response capabilities of the Japan-U.S. alliance amid the “severe” security situation in the East and South China Seas….

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