Republicans Need Just 7 Seats to Clinch House Majority With 23 Competitive Races Still Uncalled

Republicans need to pick up just 7 seats of the 23 competitive races that remain uncalled to reverse Democrats’ razor-thin majority in the House, with just a handful of tossups standing in the way of the lower chamber flipping red.
As states continue to count outstanding votes from the midterm election and Americans still don’t know the final balance of power in Washington, Republicans hold a lead of 211 House seats against Democrats’ 199, according to data from The Associated Press.
Data from Decision Desk, which The Epoch Times uses in its Election 2022 map, shows Republicans with 210 seats compared to Democrats’ 198.
While Republicans appear to be grinding towards a House majority, control of the Senate remains unclear with the race in Georgia heading to a runoff and the race in Nevada still up in the air….

By admin

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