Bezos Says Recession Either ‘Likely’ or Already Here, Has Advice for Businesses and Consumers

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos told CNN in an interview which aired Sunday that he believes the United States is either already in the grips of a recession or is likely going to be in one “very soon,” advising both consumers and small businesses to de-risk and hold more cash.
“The probabilities say if we’re not in a recession right now, we’re likely to be in one very soon,” Bezos said in the interview, which came just days after fellow tech mogul Elon Musk warned of a “serious recession” that would last one or two years.
Bezos, who despite losing more than $68 billion so far this year amid the tech stock rout, still ranks fourth on the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, said he’s not sure if the country is “technically” in a recession….

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