Country Music Legend Dolly Parton Awarded $100 Million by Jeff Bezos for Charity Work

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos awarded country music star Dolly Parton with $100 million over the weekend as part of the Bezos Courage and Civility award.
Bezos and his partner Lauren Sanchez presented the award to Parton, 76, on Saturday evening for her philanthropic work.
The award “recognizes leaders who aim high, find solutions and who always do it with civility,” and awards them with $100 million to direct to charities of their choosing, Sanchez said Saturday before announcing the recipient.
Before presenting the award to Parton, Bezos said: “The woman you’re about to meet embodies these ideals so thoroughly. She gives with her heart. What she’s done for kids, literacy and so many other things is just incredible.”…

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