Here’s Where House Races Stand After Republicans Near Majority

Republicans are just one seat away from taking the House of Representatives as Democrats’ slim hopes of retaining the majority were nearly extinguished after several more races were called in favor of the GOP on Monday.
The GOP has won 217 seats to the Democrats’ 204. Five races were called in favor of Republican candidates on Monday evening by The Associated Press and other outlets.
As of Monday night, 14 House seats remained uncalled. Democrats would have to take every single one of those seats in order to maintain their majority in the lower chamber following Tuesday’s midterm elections.
Uncalled Races
California, the country’s most populous state, has more undetermined contests than any other, according to an AP analysis. Ten races remain to be called there, with millions of votes left to count. There are also close races in Colorado and Maine, among others, including some tight enough that they could be headed to a recount….

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