Tens of Millions of Americans at Risk of Winter Power Blackouts, Grid Emergencies: Report

Large swaths of North America could face blackouts or other emergencies during extreme cold during the 2022–23 winter due to fewer natural gas and coal supplies, said the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC).
A report from NERC, a U.S. regulatory body that manages grid stability, said that power grids in Texas, the Carolinas, New England, and the Midwest, are at the most risk of power supply shortfalls during periods of elevated demand.
According to the NERC report (pdf), a large portion of the North American [bulk-power system] is “at risk of insufficient electricity supplies during peak winter conditions.” It added that “higher peak-demand projections, inadequate generator weatherization, fuel supply risks, and natural gas infrastructure are contributing to risks seen” in the aforementioned U.S. regions….

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