Cory Morgan: Smith’s Bold Health-Care Reforms Will Be Watched Closely by Other Provinces

No premier in living memory has had the courage to take the political gamble of pursuing systemic reform when it comes to health care. That may all change with Alberta Premier Danielle Smith as she boldly has staked her political career on tackling the provincial health-care system. Rest assured every premier in Canada will be watching Smith’s gamble closely. If she succeeds, we may see provinces pursuing systemic change across the country.
Canada’s universal health-care system has long been a symbol of national pride. It is also considered to be a sacred cow by many. We have woven the system into the fabric of our national identity, and woe betide the politician who may dare to challenge the status quo. Governments have tinkered around the edges of the system, but they rarely will try anything beyond pumping more money into it….

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