FTX Scandal Exposes ‘Woke’ as the Crime Syndicate of Our Times

Move over mafia, “Lucky” Luciano, Carlo Gambino, John Gotti, et al.
You or your living descendants are no longer the “capo di tutti capi” when it comes to American crime syndicates, not even close.
The numbers don’t lie. (Well, they do, but in a different way.)
The ideology known as “woke” has superseded you and put you to shame. It’s a more powerful syndicate with more corrupt allies in high places than you could find in a Francis Ford Coppola movie, even if the director made 50 Godfather sequels.
They include—but aren’t limited to—almost all the mainstream media, our fanciest universities, most of our large corporations and banks, a fair swatch of those who call themselves pundits or experts, virtually the entire Democratic Party, and too much of the Republican Party as well….

By admin

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