The United States of Social Anarchy

Can you sense it? Do you feel the dread? Institutions are failing. Cohesion has frayed. As the poet wrote, the center cannot hold, the best lack all conviction, while the worst are filled with passionate intensity. Our country is becoming the United States of Social Anarchy.
Why is this happening? Blame a hyper-focus on individual rights and a concomitant disregard for personal responsibilities. We “feel” much more than we “think.” Winning trumps principle. Style overcomes substance. “I want,” eclipses, “I should.”
This is reflected in the confusion we see all around us. For example, take the rampaging transgender moral panic currently roiling the country. Scientific truth has been trampled by gender ideology, which insists that our interior emotional state matters more than objective reality. Things have become so irrational that we are told male and female are mere social constructs rather than actual states of biological being….

By admin

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