Who Says We Must?

“Americans must reject Trump in 2024,” wrote soon-to-be ex-Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois in The Hill newspaper a couple of hours before the former president announced his candidacy from Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach.
Yeah, Adam, I’m sure we Americans will get right on that.
There was a time—perhaps you can remember it?—when the media believed, along with everyone else, that political choices of candidates or policies were matters for argument and debate. The hard work of making the case to vote for or against someone came with the implied conditional, “if my arguments are persuasive to you …”
Now, perhaps because of the enforced brevity of Twitter, reasoned argument is no longer expected, only the bare command, based on predetermined party lore as to who are the good guys and who the bad, to vote or not vote for someone….

By admin

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