Blackouts Likely as Push to Replace Fossil Fuels With Unreliable Tech Imperil Grid, Regulator Warns

Frequent blackouts throughout the United States would become more likely if the drive to replace fossil fuels with unreliable “green” energy goes through, warned a federal regulatory official.
The Biden administration’s policy to replace traditional sources of energy with wind and solar would push the national power grid to the brink of a double crisis, said Mark Christie, a member of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).
Christie, one of the two Republicans on the five-member committee, claims that the move will make electricity unaffordable for millions, while boosting the chance of more blackouts, in an interview with Bloomberg.
FERC is currently developing new regulations that would determine how America’s aging power grid could be improved, in order to better withstand problems such as extreme weather conditions, which are claimed to be caused by climate change….

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