Elon Musk Must ‘Immediately Address and Fix’ Twitter’s Security Failures: Senate Republican

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), the top Republican on the Judiciary Committee, is calling on Elon Musk to answer questions about Twitter’s security and privacy issues that his predecessor has failed to provide.
In a letter (pdf) to Musk released on Nov. 23, Grassley expressed concerns about how the information collected by Twitter could fall into the hands of foreign powers, including China. He pointed to records and testimony provided by Peiter “Mudge” Zatko, a whistleblower who served as Twitter’s head of security before being fired in January.
“His testimony made clear that a compromised Twitter employee working on behalf of a foreign power could use this access to collect data on Americans and even hack other parts of a user’s phone to access files, photos, or conversations that could then be used to extort, blackmail, or collect intelligence,” Grassley wrote….

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