Trapped by Apple—a Tale of the Great Reset

I woke up this morning with a feeling somewhere between unnerving and guilty in the pit of my stomach.
I had just purchased—and am writing this on—a spanking new M2 Apple MacBook Air in a very slick midnight blue because my old Air (2017) had, I told myself, slowed down and was too old to run the new software.  (Hey, it was a lot cheaper than buying a new car.)
It seems to be a great machine and is making my external monitor shine with a crisp clarity I have never seen before.
It was never a question of getting anything other than Apple because I have been on their equipment since 2004 when I was helping found PJ Media and my then partner, who was the tech arm of our operation, wanted us on Apple, including for our servers. From then on I have been in their ecosystem with the usual variety of products. I’m a bit too old to get off them now without interrupting my work for a considerable time. And besides, they worked….

By admin

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