LA Mayor Race: How a Billionaire Businessman Blew $100 Million With 1 Mistake

Real estate developer Rick Caruso, a former Republican, spent more than $100 million, most of it his own money, to try to become mayor of Los Angeles. He outspent his opponent by about 11-1. Yet he lost by ten points.
The truth is no amount of money could make up for the fatal mistake he made before spending a single dollar. That was his decision just before announcing his candidacy to become a Democrat for the first time in his life.
This should have been an easy win for Caruso. In addition to the outrageous money advantage he had, his opponent was weak. Congresswoman Karen Bass is best known for losing to Kamala Harris in Joe Biden’s black female for vice president contest. She is a former community organizer with a crush on Fidel Castro (having called his passing “a great loss to the people of Cuba” and taking numerous trips there with a U.S. socialist group)….

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