10 Principles of Public Health That Could Save Society

Public health concerns the public, the general population, improving their health. Yet over the past two years this idea or movement has been widely attacked for promoting job loss, economic collapse, increased mortality, and loss of freedoms.
It is claimed responsible for rising malaria mortality among African children, millions of girls being forced into child marriage and nightly rape, and a quarter of a million South Asian children killed by lockdowns. Blaming public health for these disasters is like blaming an aerosolized respiratory virus for the same outcomes. It completely misses the mark.
Blaming greed, cowardice, callousness, or indifference may be closer. This harm was done when certain people decided to impose harm on the lives of others, sometimes through stupidity but frequently for personal benefit. Atrocities are perpetrated by individuals and crowds, not by an art or science….

By admin

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