Gingrich Calls for Chinese Leaders to Be Held Accountable for Mass Abuses

Leaders of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) have no scruples about killing to preserve power, said former House Speaker Newt Gingrich as he reflected on the recent death of former Chinese leader Jiang Zemin.
For their deliberate policies of repression and violence, Gingrich believes Jiang and other Chinese communist leaders have a lot to answer for.
Since the CCP’s founding in the 1920s, “every single leader of that Party has been a totalitarian dictator,” Gingrich, a contributor to The Epoch Times, said in an interview.
“None of them have been moderates. None of them have been nice, pleasant people in the sense that we think, and all of them have been prepared to kill people. That’s what it took to stay in power.”…

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