Can Cash Nudge Hollywood Toward Family-Friendliness?

When the choice is profits or profanity, or booty of one kind versus booty of another, Hollywood has for many years, perhaps surprisingly, leaned decidedly away from the increased revenues that clean fare brings.
In case you were unaware, R-rated films make less money than those you can take Junior and Princess to with a clear conscience—a lot less. And the trend seems to be increasing.
This fact was placed in the spotlight with the recent decision to re-release “Father Stu,” the true story of Stuart Long, a hard-living Montana amateur boxer whose troubled childhood included a climate of family hostility to religion after his younger brother’s death at age 4, but who experienced a conversion, entered seminary, and was allowed to be ordained as a Catholic priest despite being diagnosed, while a seminarian, with a degenerative muscle disease that would ultimately take his life….

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