Texas Republicans Unveil Plan to Secure Border

An estimated 300,000 young men and women are being sex-trafficked in Texas as a result of the Biden administration’s open border policies, Rep. Kevin Brady told reporters Thursday during a chilly outdoor news conference to unveil a new plan to stop the flood of illegal immigration.
“This morning as we gather, there are approximately 300,000 young Texans in the sex-slave industry in our state. Because of this open-border policy, they are in a life that is just a living Hell,” said Brady, the Texas Republican who is retiring at the end of the 117th Congress.
“No state pays a deeper price for these open borders than our state. This is a security crisis, this is a humanitarian crisis, it’s a sex-trafficking crisis, it is a fentanyl crisis. No delegation in Congress has more expertise or better solutions to address this border crisis than here in the Texas delegation,” Brady said….

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