Controversial Development Below Former Landslide Site Approved in Laguna Niguel

After hours of discussion, the Laguna Niguel City Council voted 3–2 to approve a development project which will be below a former landslide site during a special meeting Dec. 5, with councilors Rischi Paul Sharma and Fred Minagar opposing.
The Cove at El Niguel will consist of 22 townhomes off of Crown Valley Parkway below a slope built with landfill to fortify the area after the 1998 Via Estoril landslide destroyed several homes.
Despite being geotechnically approved, the developer reduced original plans from 38 to 22 units, and suggested the 2.2 acres of slope be deemed undevelopable open land, following concerns from some residents, who live near the land in question, and the Niguel Summit homeowners association about the slope’s stability….

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