Elon Musk is a California Treasure—for Now

Elon Musk is keeping Twitter’s headquarters in California—for now. The Austin American-Statesman reported he “does not intend” to move it to Texas to be near his other companies. Yet some operations could move there.
It’s a shot across the bow of the USS California, with its punishing taxes and regulations. The latest attack comes from the city of San Francisco, which should be doing all it can to keep Twitter there. Forbes reported Musk has outfitted Twitter’s building with bedrooms, so what he calls “hardcore” employees can work longer hours.
Instead, the city is upset he might be committing code violations. But don’t they want people to drive less to reduce greenhouse gases? If employees no longer are commuting to work, often from long distances because of SF’s still sky-high housing prices, isn’t that a good thing?…

By admin

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