US Officials Overwhelmed by Immigrant Flood at Border as Case Backlog Swells to Record Numbers

Illegal immigrants are flooding across the U.S. border with Mexico in such numbers that federal immigration officials are being overwhelmed by the biggest-ever backlog of pending cases even though they are being processed faster, according to new data obtained by a government watchdog group.
“Latest case-by-case court records through October 2022 reveal that Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 marked the largest number of individuals granted asylum in any year in the Immigration Court’s history. Grant rates averaged 46 percent, up from 36 percent in FY 2021,” according to the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC).
“Not only were more asylum applications granted by immigration judges than ever before, but many asylum cases moved through the system faster due to a variety of Biden administration initiatives, including the Dedicated Docket….

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