US Lacks the Capacity to Rival China in the Indo-Pacific Region: Gen. Spalding

The latest Pentagon annual report on China’s military power reveals that the communist regime has outdone the United States in the Indo-Pacific region, according to retired Brig. Gen. Robert Spalding.
The Department of Defense’s annual China Military Power Report (pdf), released on Nov. 29, serves as an authoritative assessment of the military power and strategy of the Chinese regime, which the department considers to be the United States’ “pacing challenge.”
“In the Indo-Pacific, we just don’t have the ability to compete with China, particularly because of their advance in missiles and rockets on their side of the strait, particularly those that are guided and can go after aircraft carriers. And the ability of their space, intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance has gone up greatly,” Spalding said in an interview with the “Capitol Report” program on NTD, The Epoch Times’ sister media outlet….

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