The US Will Spend Another $1.7 Trillion, With Little Democratic Accountability

Our politicians are spending more than they have, again (and again and again). It’s a mounting danger to the U.S. economy, upon which U.S. national security relies.
The fiscal blame for the latest $1.7 trillion “omnibus” spending bill, which passed the Senate on Dec. 22 before the Dec. 23 deadline, mostly points toward Democrats. But the bill includes votes from 18 Republicans, including Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, Tom Cotton, Lyndsey Graham, and Mitt Romney.
Republicans are getting paid off with crumbs from the Democrat-controlled Congress, particularly a nearly 10 percent increase in the defense budget, compared to an almost 6 percent increase in nondefense spending, and $45 billion in aid for Ukraine. McConnell calls the bill a win….

By admin

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