Lockdowns Deaths in 2020 Were 42 Percent of Excess Deaths

There were virtually no COVID vaccinations given in 2020 (0.8 percent of population, and only 18 COVID vaccine deaths reported to VAERS), which makes it an ideal year for analyzing excess COVID deaths vs. excess lockdown deaths, which I am defining to include all excess deaths above COVID deaths, including iatrogenic deaths, and all other Nonpharmaceutical Intervention-caused deaths. Excess deaths, of course, are those above the actuarily expected number of deaths in the year that are predictable.
The relevant numbers recorded for 2020 are as follows, in thousands:

The 2020 excess deaths estimate is from the BMJ. Total CDC-recorded COVID deaths in 2020 are from 91-DIVOC.com. COVID deaths in 2020 were recorded liberally, including many “with COVID” deaths….

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