Pope Benedict XVI and Human Freedom

The resignation of the Pope in 2013 was a decision that completely shocked the world, partially because for a traditionalist like Benedict XVI, it seemed like a highly untraditional thing to do. But as head of the Holy Office in the last years of the previous pontificate, Cardinal Ratzinger watched with deep pain as the great pope declined in mental power and therefore managerial skill. The crowds grew as he traveled the world but there was a growing crisis developing within the church that only grew worse each year.
Benedict XVI made the difficult decision to retire at his prime in order that he would not repeat the error. Also, he became convinced that his literary work and scholarship could do more to restore the faith than his managerial leadership. Thus did he embark on a remarkable ten-year quest to re-understand the life and teachings of Christ. The result is a series of books that will surely last the ages. These books add to a vast literature that constitutes his brilliant legacy and gift to the world….

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