Katie Hobbs Takes Oath of Office as Arizona Governor

Katie Hobbs has been sworn in to become Arizona’s 24th governor on Monday and the first Democrat to hold the office since 2009.
Hobbs will be Arizona’s fifth female governor and the state’s first Democrat in 16 years. She took the oath of office at the state Capitol to officially take over from Republican Doug Ducey. A public inauguration for the governor and others taking statewide offices is scheduled for Thursday.
“Today marks a new chapter for Arizona. As we look forward to a brighter future, I pledge that the needs of Arizonans—not partisan politics—will always come first,” Hobbs said in a statement. “I will work with Republicans, Democrats, and Independents to tackle our state’s biggest challenges—fully funding our public schools, securing our state’s water future, ensuring reproductive freedom, making Arizona more affordable, and so much more.”…

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