The Disturbing Details Behind the Bird Flu and Egg Prices

This article was originally published in American Thinker
Consumers can take a lot, but when you start raising prices on staples like eggs and milk, a definite din begins to rise from the streets.
I knew something was up during a pre-Christmas trip to Costco, where a frenzied mob of shoppers were exasperated after being told, “We’re out of eggs. We won’t have any more until a truck comes in!”
More recently, as I walked down the dairy aisle at my local grocery, a fellow shopper cried out, “I heard about the goose that laid the golden egg, but I thought it was a fairy tale!”  Thus ensued an excited conversation between shoppers and the employee posting the new sign that read “$5.49” for a dozen large eggs. That’s up from an average national price of $1.72 less than a year ago….

By admin

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