House Will Vote on Bill to Abolish IRS, Replace Income Tax

The Republican-led House of Representatives will soon vote on legislation to abolish the IRS and replace the income tax code with a national consumption tax.
Rep. Buddy Carter (R-Ga.) will introduce the Fair Tax Act (pdf) on Wednesday, a bill that would eliminate income, death, gift, and payroll taxes and replace the system with a national sales tax, a plan that proponents say would simplify the tax code and ends the need for the IRS.
“Instead of adding 87,000 new agents to weaponize the IRS against small business owners and middle America, this bill will eliminate the need for the department entirely by simplifying the tax code with provisions that work for the American people and encourage growth and innovation,” Carter said in a statement on Tuesday. “Armed, unelected bureaucrats should not have more power over your paycheck than you do.”…

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