Chinese State Media Resort to Personal Attacks on New US House Speaker

As many China watchers know, the relentless propaganda narratives conveyed by state-run Chinese media outlets—such as People’s Daily, China Daily, and Xinhua—are almost invariably the opposite of the truth. Thus, when Chinese media vehemently condemn an action taken by the U.S. Congress in particular, the reality is that the Americans are over their target for a change and should continue all actions. That target, of course, is the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
In this case, the Chinese communist ire has been directed toward the bipartisan establishment of the “Select Committee on the Strategic Competition Between the United States and the Chinese Communist Party” by the new Republican-controlled House of Representatives. And that means that the new select committee is exactly the right course of action to monitor and counteract CCP activities inimical to the interests of the American people….

By admin

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