Comer Oversight Panel to Focus First Hearing on Fraud and Waste in COVID Relief Programs

Hundreds of billions of dollars worth of suspected waste, fraud, and abuse in federal COVID pandemic relief programs will be the focus of the first hearing convened by House Oversight and Accountability Committee Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) in the 118th Congress.
Certain to be a center of attention during the hearing will be reports of hundreds of millions of dollars in benefits being paid to convicted murderers like Scott Petersen, as well as thousands of other California prison inmates, including 144 on Death Row.
“We owe it to Americans to identify how hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars spent under the guise of pandemic relief were lost to waste, fraud, abuse, and mismanagement. For the past two years, the Biden Administration has allowed fraud to run rampant in federal assistance programs and Democrats in Congress conducted little oversight,” Comer said in a statement announcing the hearing to be convened Feb. 1….

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