The Transgender Tide Is Turning

​In recent years, transgender ideologues have mounted a cultural offensive that swept all rationality before them. First, biological science and objective reality were well trashed as internal feelings came to matter more than biological facts. Then existing procedures for dealing with transgender ideation were trashed, allowing anyone who believed themselves to be the opposite sex to simply declare their new identity—and, presto-chango—that is what they are.
Next came language engineering in which lexicon police require media, employers, colleagues, and family to use the preferred pronouns declared by transgendered people under threat of social media exclusion, loss of employment, and in some cases, losing custody of one’s own children. Biden administration bureaucrats promulgated regulations that required doctors to provide transgender hormones and surgeries even if they violated their moral and religious beliefs. Catholic hospitals have been sued, some successfully, for refusing transgender hysterectomies….

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