US Diplomatic Strength Is Needed to Confront Communist China

U.S. secretaries of state are known for making mistakes. Whether through flawed policies, faulty logic, slips of the tongue, or the simple failings of human nature, some of their utterances and related policies have led to less-than-desirable results that have cost thousands of human lives.
There have been plenty of mistakes made by U.S. secretaries of state over the last 50 years. Let us do a quick review before comparing Antony Blinken and Dean Acheson.
Henry Kissinger (1973–77)
Henry Kissinger (as national security adviser) and former President Richard Nixon “opened China” through secret negotiations in 1971 that led to a state visit to China by Nixon at the height of the Vietnam War in 1972. This began the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) manipulation of the U.S. political class that continues to this day….

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