Texas Attorney General Peti­tions Supreme Court to Hear Case to Lim­it Pow­er of Unelect­ed Bureaucrats

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has joined an amicus brief requesting that the U.S. Supreme Court hear a case that could restrict the actions of the unelected Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB).
Paxton is urging the action because of concerns that the bureau is not adequately governed by the people, as the CFPB is both unelected and funded outside the approval of Congress.
The brief was submitted by West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey, where the attorney general asked that the court hear the case CFPB v. CFSAA (Case No. 22-448). The question presented in the brief was whether the court of appeals was incorrect in its assertion that the current configuration of how the CFPB is funded violates the Appropriation Clause of the U.S. Constitution….

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