The Biden Classified Docs Special Prosecutor Must Look for Chinese Spies

Headlines in 2022 damned former President Donald Trump for mishandling “classified information”—a term designating secrets that have genuine national security value.
2023: current President Joe Biden has definitely mishandled classified info. Damning fact: Biden’s negligence—or malfeasance—was discovered before the 2022 midterm elections.
For two months the FBI, Department of Justice, and corrupt media provided Biden with politically expedient silence.
Fact: Trump endured a very ugly FBI raid on his Florida home. Fact: Biden confronts drip-by-drip evidence that he ignored very clear laws governing classified national security information when he left the office of vice president in early 2017.
Differentiating fact: Trump, as president, had classification authority, meaning he could declassify documents. VP Joe did not….

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