Examining China’s New Confucius Institutes

Hanban, an organization closely affiliated with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), established the Confucius Institute program in 2004. Ostensibly, the program was created to help promote the Chinese language and culture on a global scale.
Today, rather incredibly, there are 525 of these institutes in 146 different countries and regions. Accused of being little more than Trojan horses for the CCP, these institutes have garnered a notorious reputation. This explains why a number of countries have opted to close these CCP-backed institutes. Denmark, Finland, and Sweden, to name just three countries, have moved to completely remove their presence.
This, perhaps, explains why the CCP has established a new initiative—let’s call it the Confucius Institute program 2.0. As I show in this piece, there are plenty of reasons to believe that the new program will be every bit as dangerous as the original one….

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