Family of Afghan Soldier Detained in Texas Pleas for His Release

The family of Abdul Wasi Safi, 26, an Afghan combat intelligence officer who worked with U.S. Special Forces before the U.S. removed its troops from Afghanistan in August 2021, have been working hard to free “Wasi,” as he is known, who was arrested and detained by U.S. Border Protection and Customs when seeking asylum in September 2022 at the border in Del Rio, Texas.
His brother, Sami-ullah Safi, 29, who is a U.S. citizen living in Houston and worked for the U.S. Department of Defense for 10 years, recently called on help from the White House for his release.
“I’m calling on Biden’s administration to release my brother,” Sami-ullah said during a press conference Jan. 13. “He believed in the mission of this country in Afghanistan. That’s why he fought alongside the United States Special Forces … to eliminate terrorism.”…

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