Professional Regulators Increasingly Falling Prey to the ‘Woke’ Capture of Canadian Institutions

Wokeness is a radical political movement that operates, in part, by “capturing” institutions. Once “captured,” an institution is made woke in its objectives and operations and propagates wokeness using its available resources, often in an authoritarian manner.
For example, an employer that is captured by wokeness will bring “diversity experts” into the company’s human resource department. That department then sets about making woke policies, eliminating liberal policies, compelling employee submission to woke indoctrination, publicizing the employer’s wokeness, and hiring, disciplining, and firing people based on woke criteria.
Woke experts are much like “political commissars.” Commissars are communist party representatives embedded within military units to ensure party control over the military, including through political indoctrination….

By admin

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