John Robson: Feds’ Rapid Housing Plan Will Still Move at a Snail’s Pace, Despite an Additional $1.5 Billion

From the news releases I receive, particularly from the PMO, I gather that the government has both the will and the capacity to bring enormous benefits to me, my fellow citizens, and indeed the inhabitants of the entire globe. Alas, from the news stories I receive, particularly about the PMO, a rather different picture emerges. Like they can’t even build a house, which shouldn’t be especially challenging after literally hundreds of thousands of years of humans adding shelter to clothing and food.
Take the Rapid Housing Initiative… please. In case you missed it, it’s a $2.5 billion program (first two rounds alone), so just peanuts to the feds, established in 2020 to build affordable housing nationwide, fast. Or rather to fund cities and non-profits doing so. Not people who build them for a living, apparently; what would they know?…

By admin

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