Mending the Warfighter Community: A Return to the ‘Centric Force’

I don’t think we see ourselves as victims ever but we get labeled as “damaged” so we are constantly fighting distortions and that’s rough. Damaged can mean anything within the entire spectrum of “abnormal” and that’s never good.
What we are dealing with is somewhat of an identity issue. We go to war and seemingly no matter what; we get perceptually stuck on the spectrum of “abnormal” when we return.
To summarize: we go to war perceptually cherished and accepted as a group then we return perceptually abnormal and we are separated from our group.
The “group” was the bond to our personal identity. It was also the connection to our before-and-after selves of who we are and were. It’s a bond like no other. So the conflict becomes one of personal identity. Do you get it?…

By admin

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