The US Marines in Japan: Stiffening Island Defenses

The U.S. Marines, particularly its presence on Okinawa, has often seemed the bellwether of the Japan-U.S. defense relationship. And it’s usually been problematic. But recently, there was good news involving the Marines.
At the “2+2 Meeting” of top Japanese and American defense and foreign affairs officials in Washington on Jan. 11, it was agreed that the 12th Marine Regiment will remain on Okinawa and be converted into the 12th Marine Littoral Regiment (MLR) by 2025.
“Littoral”? That’s a unit capable of deploying small detachments of Marines to “austere, remote islands” from which they conduct surveillance and launch anti-ship missiles at enemy ships. In this case, People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) ships. The Marines will also have some anti-air capability….

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