Are We Babes in the Woods to the Unimaginable Evil of the CCP?

The evil of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is unimaginable to most people.
This is especially so for those who either lack personal experience with the CCP or who lack the interest to engage in any in-depth thinking about the CCP or Chinese society, let alone imagine how a government could allow heinous crimes can occur in any highly civilized human society in the 21st century.
But one such demonstration of this is the case of Hu Xinyu, which occurred in Jiangxi Province, China.
Hu Xinyu went missing whilst on his university campus on Oct. 14, 2022. The police were unable to find him in any surveillance footage taken from inside and outside the school and could not find any clues in relation to his departure from the campus. By late-November 2022, a joint working team was set up to start investigating the matter….

By admin

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