US Depends on Foreign Adversaries Amid Critical Mineral Crisis: House Committee Hearing

The House Committee on Natural Resources Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations held a hearing on Thursday titled “Dependence on Foreign Adversaries: America’s Critical Minerals Crisis.”
Members and witnesses agreed that the United States depends too much on foreign markets—allies and adversaries—for many minerals critical to multiple national economic sectors. According to Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.), this undermines national sovereignty, technological innovation, and economic prosperity.
By assessing the current state of the nation’s critical mineral supply, the United States could once again resuscitate national security and “unleash America’s energy and mineral potential.”
“This is an urgent matter as we rely on critical minerals for our way of life, from smartphones and laptops to renewable energy technology to medical equipment, military gear, energy storage, defense systems, and many essential aspects of modern life and natural security depend on an abundance of critical minerals,” he said….

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