John Robson: Lack of Details From Canada and US on Spy Balloon, UFOs Doesn’t Evoke Trust

My goodness. There seem to be more balloons over North America than at a birthday party, although they keep popping as if made in China. But citizens of self-governing democracies might be given some idea what’s going on.
Unfortunately Justin Trudeau said, “we will continue to keep people informed.” And as I’ve noted, “continue” is what poker players call a “tell” for our prime minister and his colleagues that they’ve been caught not doing something they obviously should but have no idea how.
Worse, his full sentence was “You can know that this is something that NORAD and Canada and the United States are taking extremely seriously, and we will continue to keep people informed as we know more.” So currently, as merely effective head of our executive branch, he doesn’t know more. And we “can know” they’re taking it seriously. But do we?…

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