Michael Zwaagstra: School Trustees Must Be Able to Speak Freely

Are school trustees politicians? The answer seems obvious. Trustees are elected by the public, held accountable by voters, and conduct their business in open board meetings. This certainly sounds like a politician’s job.
Not only that, but many school trustees use their position as a stepping stone to higher political office. For example, Ontario NDP leader Marit Stiles, Ontario Minister of Citizenship and Multiculturalism Michael Ford, and former Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne all started their political careers as Toronto trustees.
Based on these facts, it seems clear that trustees are politicians.
However, not everyone agrees with this assessment. Trustees in the Durham District School Board (DDSB) recently voted to suspend one of their colleagues, Linda Stone, for allegedly making discriminatory comments. In doing so, they relied on a report written by senior workplace investigator Benjamin Drory….

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