North Carolina Charity Backtracks, Opens Grant Program to White People

The Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina Foundation (BCBS) has changed its policy of excluding white-run organizations from applying for a new grant program after a medical watchdog organization brought media attention to what it called divisiveness “at a new level.”
Laura Morgan, program manager for Do No Harm (DNH)—an organization that investigates and spotlights discriminatory practices in medical institutions—told The Epoch Times that the foundation “got caught red-handed when they tried to inject ugly racial politics into their grant-making process.”
“Discrimination should have no place in our society, yet they were prepared to reject grant applications from nonprofits led by white CEOs just because of their skin color,” Morgan said. “Do No Harm, along with BCBS customers and North Carolina state policymakers, will be watching very closely how the foundation updates the grant’s eligibility criteria.”…

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